Ikita: Kata must be alive and done with feeling and purpose and performed as a real fight.
Inen: Kata must be performed with a real fighting spirit.
Chikara no Kyojaku: Kata should be done with changes in application of power. Technique can be strong or yielding, hard then soft
Waza no Kankyu: Kata should be done with variations in the timing of movement, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.
Kisoku no Donto: Kata must be performed with correct and controlled rhythm of breathing. Karate-ka must know when to inhale and exhale.
Kinto: Balance. Proper balance must be maintained in the performance of Kata.
The six principles as explained above, really are the tip of the iceberg, A Kata is learnt as a series of moves strung together to form a whole, It is It is only when you truly take the time to understand the connection and flow between moves that your Kata truly comes alive, each Kata then takes on a rhythm and life all it’s own. If performed with the correct control over your breathing, kata can be a incredibly strong and focused way of developing your Karate.
Here is a excellent video clip of one of the foremost Kata practitioners in the world – Luca Valdesi.